We're expecting this to be a big year for Validation.Run. Jonny and I have been working on this in as a side project for 4 years now and we're ready to open up the throttle to make this our main focus. Of course, this depends greatly on you. We're making this for you as much as we're doing it for us.
Validation.run is for founders, entrepreneurs (beginners and advanced), product people, heads of innovation, investors, incubators, accelerators, and basically anyone who wants to measure demand and identify the target audience for their new business idea. It's also for observers. Maybe you're thinking of an idea, mulling it over. That's cool. We're here for you with all the resources you should need to get your idea manifested in reality.
It's a complex process, building a viable new company. We've been validating ourselves over the past few years. Now we know with much higher certainty who our target audience is, what motivates them, what they're trying to get done and how they see their idea fitting into the world.
It's an audacious task, to create something out of nothing. To make your idea manifest out of sheer will and perseverance. We've got your back. We're in this together.
Validation.run is a methodology as much as it is a company. A playbook or sequence of testing that we're also applying to our own internal ideas, our own side projects and the company itself. Very meta, but we've surely tested our own testing platform.
We're looking forward to what we can create together this year, Jonny, myself and all of you. We're always open to what you have to say.
If you need a prompt, here are the classic customer development questions:
What is it you're trying to get done here?
How are we helping you achieve this?
What could we be doing better to help you achieve this
Spoiler alert, this is all you should be asking your audience. Do this 50 times and you'll know more about the problem/solution paradigm than anyone and have gained the perspective to launch something seriously relevant.
Good luck this year! If we've learned anything from 2020 it's to expect the plan to change and don't wait. If there's a thing you need to do, go and do it.
More campaign updates, articles and resources to come!
Michael & Jonny